Louisiana is going to experience a blistering cold weekend of winter weather. Since most events are canceled for the Mardi Gras holiday, most of us will probably spend the weekend tucked inside our homes snuggling in front of a space heater. Temperatures are expected to plummet to near freezing levels. This means we will be stuck inside the house looking for something to watch or something to cook. This is the only bright side of dreary weather. It is difficult to relax when the weather is too sunny and beautiful. When the weather is nice, we are compelled to spend time outdoors soaking up the sunshine and cutting the grass. But this weekend is going to be cold and rainy, which is perfect weather for cooking traditional Louisiana dishes such as gumbo or Red Beans and Rice.

In fact, coming up is Red Beans and Rice Monday. Freddie Lafleur, the CEO of Savoie’s Food took a moment to talk about the history of Red Beans and Rice. You listen to the interview. It is posted at the top of this page.
Traditionally in New Orleans and south Louisiana, red beans and rice is prepared on a Monday. Families have been doing this since the 19th century. It is because Monday is normally a busy day, one of the busiest days of the week. In the early 19th century, this was also laundry day. Since this day was so busy, most families started cooking red beans and rice for supper because it was easy, hearty, and nutritious.
Camellia Beans has teamed up with Cajun Country Rice and Savoie Foods to spread the love of red beans and rice by encouraging the tradition of cooking this dish. Visit RedbeansandriceMondays.com to get recipes! Try out a recipe and keep the Louisiana tradition going.
These three Louisiana brands are also teaming up to feed local families. Every purchase of Camellia Beans, Savoie’s Food, and Cajun Country Rice products will help support local food banks such as the Second Harvest and Greater Baton Rouge Foodbank.

If you or your kids get a little bored, while stuck in the house this weekend, you could participate in the upcoming Red Beans and Rice Art Contest. There will be several categories for students and adults. Create a piece of art that displays your Red Beans and Rice Monday moment. Enter your masterpiece by uploading two or three photos of your completed artwork at RedBeansandRiceMondays.com
Keep warm this weekend!