There’s a nationwide blood shortage. It’s hit home in Acadiana. The national shortage is reportedly the worst in 10 years. Our news partners at KLFY report local supplies have hit critical levels. Vitalant, Oschner Lafayette General, and Our Lady of Lourdes have reported emergencies.
Donations are down since the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic. Donations have dropped 10% nationally from 2 years ago.
More than 60% of blood drives at colleges & high schools have been cancelled. Students previously accounted for 25% of donations.
Stephanie Kizziar with Vitalant told KLFY, “When we lost the education blood drives, that really hurt us. That made up about 30 percent of our drives.”
Oschner Lafayette General was recently down to 1 bag of platelets.
To donate with Vitalant, click here: https://www.vitalant.org/Locations2/Southeast-Region-(AL,-AR,-LA,-MO,-MS,-TN)/Lafayette,-LA-Donation-Center
For Our Lady of Lourdes, click here: https://lourdesrmc.com/ways-to-give/blood-donor-center/
Source: KLFY