Every week the lineup of THE GAME 103.7 Lafayette and 104.1 Lake Charles — Southwest Louisiana’s Sports Station will share a little something about themselves.
This week the team answers the question: “What was your first vehicle?”
Hannah Five Names (Morning Producer)
“So “was your first car” requires you are on your second or third one….. I am still with my first car which is my grey/silver 2007 Honda Pilot. I was super excited to finally get a car which my stepmom gave me at the end of my freshman year of high school that was paid off two years prior to receiving it. For the longest time there was a picture of myself (8) and my little brother (9 months) sitting in the passenger seat of my car. So it was kind of cool to pass the torch from my stepmom (Jenn) to me. Christine is old, but she’s still running so we’re good!”
Matt Miguez (Host of Crunchtime with Miguez & Meche)
“My first car was a 2005 Chrysler Sebring. I got it after my stepmom got a new car and the other one was paid off, so they gave it to me. I drove it for four years before the engine died. lol Many great memories in that car, but I’m glad I’ve upgraded to better.”
Clint Domingue (Host of Under the Dome)
“The first car I ever got was the one I got when I turned 17, a 1993 Chevrolet Cheyenne. Was so pumped to have a truck of my own, just to have a vehicle to where I didn’t have to hitch a ride from mom and dad was pretty great. I can remember the first time I washed it – it was a family friend’s old work truck so needless to say it was about two hours worth of cleaning especially the bed of the truck. That said that truck fell apart more times than the Atlanta Falcons while in high school. Glad I had those experiences but glad that truck’s long gone.”
Raymond Partsch III (Host of RP3 & Company)
“My first car was a 1978 Monte Carlo. I bought it from an auction house for $150.00. My dad and I worked on it for more than a year. We would go to junk yards to get the parts needed to get it up and running, and used Bondo to fill in holes on the body. The dash was so cracked that I even bought a dash rug to cover it up. My dad and I sanded it down, primed it and then had a good laugh when we were given the wrong paint. We ordered royal blue and the store gave us baby blue. So yeah, my first car was a baby blue 1987 Monte Carlo and I absolutely loved that car. I especially loved it when a guy driving around in a Mustang GT (with a weak little six cylinder) wanted to race me — not knowing that I had a 305 V8 under the hood. Nothing like getting your doors blown off by a car painted baby blue.”
Jordy Hultberg (Host of The Jordy Hultberg Show)
“My dad promised me in the 8th grade that if I got a scholarship to college, athletic or academic he would buy me a car. I signed my scholarship papers for basketball at LSU in April 1976. My birthday is that same month. Dad took me to Paretti Pontiac on Veterans Blvd in New Orleans & we picked out a brand new ‘76 Firebird Esprit. Silver Blue….I rode that bad boy til the wheels fell off.”
James Meche (Afternoon Shows Producer)
“My first car’s a red Chevy Cruze. I remember my mom asking me what car color I’d want so not expecting her to go with my first choice I said “red, white, or black” but I would’ve preferred white. That next Christmas, my parents surprised me with my bright red car. My friends call it the “Red Rocket!”
Kevin Foote (Host of Footenotes)
“It happened in 1983 but I don’t remember the year of the vehicle. It was a green and gold Cutlass Supreme. Unfortunately I don’t remember how much it costs or how I paid for it. I just know that year I began hating mike Lansford for life.”