The Prop Shop is a family-owned boat repair shop. It is located at the corner of University and General Mouton right across the street from Cafe 20.3.
The Prop Shop is run by Shari and Keith Boudreaux. It has been around for years. They repair all makes and models and it doesn’t matter the age of the engine or boat. The Prop Shop sells boat parts. Before you search for the part on Google or Amazon, give the Prop Shop a call. If you are trying to fix your boat on your own and need some advice, stop by. Shari and Keith Boudreaux are friendly and knowledgeable.

Shari Boudreaux gave me a tour of the shop. It has tall shelves full of parts and props. They specialize in repairing props (propellers). They have an experienced team of technicians that can repair your boat before your next fishing trip. Since the pandemic hit, they have been quite busy. With the bars closed and dancing put on a temporary halt, it makes sense that people are fishing and using their boats more often.
The Prop Shop is dedicated to providing the best service. For this reason, we shining the spotlight and featuring The Prop Shop on this edition of Lundi Love.
Source: The Prop Shop